miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

A letter from Mexico to @TheDailyShow: Stewart, you really fucked up this time #DailyShow

Dear Jon Stewart,

I saw your sketch on the Mexican presidential election last night and I still can't believe you fucked it up THAT bad.

Not only you got the facts wrong, but the bit itself wasn't even a little bit funny. More on this later.

But first lets get some facts straight on the Mexican election:

First of all, the election was not a PAN vs PRI showdown. It was a PAN and PRI vs PRD showdown. You left out the leftwing candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador even though the PAN ended up in third place and Lopez Obrador in second. And yet there isn't a single image of him on your bit.

By the way: Peña Nieto ended up officially in first place because he bough millions of votes. That's why the election is being challenged in court, so, legally, there isn't a winner yet.

Second, there WERE negative attack ads in the presidential election. Four by PAN against Peña Nieto and two by PAN against Lopez Obrador; three by PRI against Lopez Obrador; a fraction of a Lopez Obrador ad against Peña Nieto and one more against the use of negative ads by PAN and PRI.

(Look it up in YouTube, you'll find all of them.)

And yes, some of them were illegal. IFE, the federal electoral institute, order two of the ads, one by PAN and one by PRI, removed from TV. Then IFE had to fine PAN for the attack ads against Peña Nieto.

You want to know why there weren't negative attack ads in 2012? Because there were several of them in 2006 paid with corporate money, which is something, if I remember correctly, you've said in your show you don't agree with.

So those are the facts. Now lets take a look at the rest of that sorry-ass bit:

1. Dworak? Seriously? That's the best example of a "Mexican journalist" you could come up with? Jeez. Oh, I see. You wanted somebody who actually wanted attack ads. Well, only the right-wing journalists want them. Because they know that's the only way they can campaign. NOBODY else in the Mexican press wanted them because people got sick of them in 2006.

2. Look, Al Madrigal is funny IF AND ONLY IF he does NOT pretend to be Mexican or even Latino. What the fuck, Jon? You got a guy who doesn't speak Spanish and the only "Latino" cultural trait on him is his last name. And you expect Spanish speaking Latinos to feel related to him? Are you out of your mind?

Madrigal, like I said, is funny, but only when he acts like what he realy is: an American guy. If you're going to do comedy for the Latino demographic, get the real thing. Don't be a douche.

Finally: Drug lords dressed like Tony Montana? Really? Have seen what mexican drug lords dress like? I'll give you a hint: they wear Polo Ralph Lauren.

(Research it, dude. That's why you have writers. It wouldn't take them 10 minutes to get the facts straight.)

Oh, and by the way; If you really want to make fun of Peña Nieto with a negative attack ad, take a look at the video of him at a book fair, back in November, trying to answer a simple question: "Name 3 books that marked your life." He couldn't name ONE because he doesn't read shit. Well, he can read off a teleprompter, but that's about it.

That right there was by far one of the most embarrasing moments of the Mexican presidencial race, as Peña Nieto showed himself as the moron he really is (think W, only dumber). And guess what; that was also one of the funniest moments in the campaign. If you wanted comedy, there's your comedy.

Victor Hernandez
Mexico City

PS: I like your show, Jon, but I really don't appreciate it when you don't even try doing good comedy or getting the facts right for the Hispanic demographic. It really makes the show look bad.

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